Why Prenatal Care Is Important

One of the most important women’s health services Dr. Parisa Pourzand offers is prenatal care. Regular appointments for prenatal care are one of the best ways to insure you and your baby enjoy a normal and healthy labor and delivery.
If you’ve ever wondered why prenatal care is important, keep reading! There are numerous benefits for both you and your baby, and the sooner you begin prenatal care, the better.
Early prenatal care
If you suspect you may be pregnant, schedule an appointment with Dr. Pourzand. During your first visit, we will confirm the pregnancy, discuss your medical history, and any concerns you may have. Dr. Pourzand will ask questions about your menstrual cycle, your family medical history, medications you take, your overall lifestyle, and whether or not you’re planning travel to certain parts of the world.
The first visit is also when we calculate your due date. Contrary to popular belief, your due date isn’t a prediction about when your baby will be born. Instead, it’s a calculation of when you’ll be 40 weeks pregnant. Establishing your due date helps Dr. Pourzand monitor your baby’s growth and development.
We also conduct lab tests during your first prenatal visit that reveal information about a range of issues, including:
Your blood type
If you have Rh negative blood and the baby’s father has Rh positive blood, you’ll need special care during your pregnancy.
The level of hemoglobin in your blood
A low level of hemoglobin may indicate anemia, which can affect your pregnancy.
Immunity to some infections
It’s important for Dr. Pourzand to know if you have immunity to some infections, like rubella and chickenpox, which can be dangerous during pregnancy.
Exposure to other infections
Blood tests can show if you’ve been exposed to hepatitis B, syphilis, and other infections.
Ongoing prenatal visits
Once you’re through the early part of your pregnancy, your prenatal visits will happen more frequently, and will largely involve monitoring your health, and the growth and development of your baby. Each visit is an opportunity for you to ask questions. Even if you’ve been pregnant before, each pregnancy is unique and you’re likely to have questions.
Toward the end of your pregnancy, from 36 weeks onward, you’ll have weekly prenatal visits. During these visits, Dr. Pourzand will check the position of your baby, and screen for group B streptococcus (GBS), which is harmless for you but can be dangerous for your baby during birth.
If you’re pregnant, prenatal care is the best way to protect your own health and that of your unborn baby. Even if you’re several weeks pregnant and you haven’t yet been to the doctor, prenatal care can be beneficial. Schedule your visit with Dr. Pourzand today!
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