7 Tips for Managing Menopause Symptoms at Work

The symptoms of menopause are difficult to manage in the comfort of your own home, but at work they can be particularly thorny. You can’t simply turn down the thermostat in order to keep your cool during a hot flash at the office. Follow these seven tips to help you manage your menopause symptoms in the workplace.
Manage stress
Between dealing with the symptoms of menopause, day-to-day obligations at work, and managing your life at home, you may well be under quite a bit of stress. Stress can make some symptoms of menopause worse. You may have more hot flashes when you’re feeling stressed, for example.
Consider taking a class such as yoga, tai chi, or pilates to help reduce your stress levels. You may also want to set aside time for a hobby or other activity that you enjoy or try something new. Simply taking the time to explore your interests can help lower your stress levels both at work and at home.
2. Get plenty of exercise
Exercise is another good way to lower your stress levels, but it also may help you lose any excess weight, which can exacerbate your menopause symptoms. It could improve the quality of your sleep as well.
Even taking a quick walk each day can improve your health, reduce stress, improve your sleep, and elevate your mood.
3. Dress comfortably
Wearing layers means you can remove clothing during a hot flash. Looser styles and breathable fabrics are less likely to show perspiration and keep you cooler as well.
4. Spend some time organizing your workspace
A common symptom of menopause is having problems remembering things, and feeling like your brain is foggy. If you don’t already have them, put some systems in place to help yourself stay organized and on task at work.
If possible, try to avoid multitasking, as well. Multitasking is generally not good for productivity, but if you’re experiencing cognitive issues during menopause, it can be especially counter-productive.
5. Cool it down
If you can’t control the temperature in your workspace, consider using cooling gels or sprays. You may want to keep a container of wipes on hand to help you cool off and feel fresh.
Drinking plenty of water may help you feel cooler and will also help keep you hydrated. Hot flashes can deplete your fluid levels.
6. Eat regularly
Low blood sugar can affect your moods, and if mood swings are a problem for you, they could be worse if your blood sugar drops. Try to eat nutritious meals on a regular schedule and keep some small snacks in your bag or in your work area. Nuts are a protein-packed option that carry easily.
7. Consider discussing your situation with co-workers
You may not be comfortable telling everyone you work with about your symptoms; however, you may want to consider telling people you trust. They may be able to offer support or make suggestions that would be helpful.
Finally, if you feel as if you can’t manage your menopause symptoms, book an appointment with Dr. Pourzand. She may suggest a treatment plan to help address your symptoms, or have additional tips to help you thrive at work, menopause symptoms or not!
You can schedule an appointment online or by phone today and begin learning how to be comfortable at work even during menopause.
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